Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Diacetyl, Part 2

I guess if you experiment, you have to expect some failures. :(

My yeast harvest did not produce enough yeast, OR I had a bacterial infection.
I'm thinking it was both.
See, if you don't pitch enough yeast, some nasties can get a foothold on your beer.

What am I on about?!

Well, the Centennium Falcon that I used the harvested Bell's Two Heated Ale yeast made butter beer. Brewed that on 11/04/2007. I've since bottled a couple butter bombs for posterity. (Maybe I'll enter em in a competition to gross out the judges?) I read up on what would coz this, and I decided on diacetyl, which has multiple causes. A possible fix is a room temperature rest for a week, to get the existing yeast to clean it up. It dint. Then I pitched half a pack of Salfale US-05 yeast to see if it just needed more yeasties. Nope. I think I'm gonna have to dump this batch.
Sad day.

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