Friday, November 16, 2007


There are a TON of weird words associated with brewing and winemaking.
Here are a few with definitions and pronunciations.
Heard of one not on the list? Let me know!

The process is this in all-grain brewing:
Mill malted barley grist, Mash grist in mash tun, Wait 60 minutes, Lauter grist by sparging from lauter tun into brew kettle, Boil with hops, Chill wort down to fermenting temperature, Measure and record Original Gravity, Pitch yeast, Ferment.

- All-grain brewing - Using just grains and no concentrated malt syrup(s) to brew beer.
- Barley - Grain used for making beer and whiskey.
- Extract - Concentrated malt syrup(s) to brew beer.
- Extract brewing - Using only concentrated malt syrup(s) to brew beer. Sometimes used in conjunction with specialty grains for body, color, etc.
- Fermentation - Growing micro-organisms for the use of producing their by-products. In brewing, Yeast convert sugars into CO2 and alcohol.
- Gravity (Specific, Original, Final) - Measure of the sugar dissolved in water, water having a measurement of 1.000. A typical beer might have an original gravity of 1.050 and a final gravity of 1.012 because of the yeast eating the sugars.
- Grist - Grain that has been separated from its husk.
- HLT (Hot Liquor Tank) - Reservoir used to hold hot water (liquor) that lauters grist. :)
- Hops (Pellet, Whole, Plug) - Flower from the Humulus lupulus vine used mainly for flavoring and preserving beer.
- IBU (International Bittering Unit) - Measure of the bitterness of a beer given by hops. An American lager might be 5 IBUs and an India Pale Ale might be 100+.
- Krausen - Foamy head on top of fermenting beer.
- Lauter - Rinse Sugars off malt (actual "brewing", think of brewing coffee)
- Liquor - Brewing term for water.
- Malt - Germinated grains that are dried before they develop. Malted barley is used in beer making.
- Mash - Mixture of crushed grains and hot water.
- Must - Unyeasted wine.
- Partial mash brewing - Combination of extract and all-grain brewing.
- Pitch - Add yeast to wort (or must).
- Sparge - Distribute water over mash to facilitate lautering
- Specialty grains - Grains used to give body or color to an extract brewing session.
- Trub (troob) - Gook leftover at the bottom of fermentation, usually made up of yeast, hops, and coagulated proteins.
- Tun - Vessel. Examples - Lauter tun, Mash tun.
- Vorlauf - Act of letting wort drain from the lauter tun until it runs clear.
- Wort - Unyeasted beer.
- Yeast - Microscopic fungi used to make beer.

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